Vigilante fears after young hijack victim dies

Residents of a working class township east of Johannsburg are threatening to take the law into their own hands to avenge the death of a four year old dragged by a hijacked vehicle. Shocked by this killing, South Africans have learned that another five year old kidnapped outside Pretoria last week has been reunited with […]

Jonathan sees abductees’ parents

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has said he will do everything possible to secure the release of 217 schoolgirls abducted by Islamist terrorists 100 days ago. He’s finally seen parents of the victims and some of the schoolgirls who’ve escaped from Boko Haram. More than 150 people were specially bussed into the capital Abuja for the […]

US diplomatic appointments in Africa

South Africa’s been a diplomatic nursery for at least three American diplomats moving on to ambassadorial positions in Africa. Washington’s posted the troika from various missions in South Africa to take the top jobs in Malawi, Rwanda and Botswana. The diplomats still have to get US Senate approval to take up their ambassadorial posts. Erica […]