SA tit for tat on British visas

South Africa’s implementing a tit for tat visa regime against holders of British diplomatic and official passports. It does not apply to,holders of ordinary British passports. Home affairs minister Malusi Gigaba says the regime, that came into operation at the beginning of this month is in retaliation for Britain requiring all South Africa passport holders […]
Gay-friendly mosque might have to close

Officials in the opposition-controlled city of Cape Town say they may be forced to close South Africa’s first gay-friendly mosque, which also allows Christian worshippers and women to lead prayers. The founder of the place of worship says the authorities are acting harshly because they’re under pressure from conventional Muslim clergy. The new mosque […]
SA ready to process Zimbabwe special residents

South Africa’s geared up to process the 245 000 Zimbabweans eligible for special permits to remain in this country until the end of 2017. Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba says Zimbabweans living illegally in South Africa, and he did not give numbers, will be subject to penalties including deportation as undocumented foreigners. Accessing the special permit […]
New Ebola lockdown for Sierra Leone

Ravaged by Ebola fever, most of Sierra Leone is once again on lockdown. The information gathered by the previous three-day national quarantine that ended last week is muddled. Freedom of movement has again been put on hold for one-and-a-half million Sierra Leoneans. Experts say the death toll from Ebola in West Africa has reached […]
Hollande deplores beheading of French tourist

French president Francois Hollande’s denounced the killing of a French tourist in Algeria as a barbaric act and vows his country will never give in to blackmail. The beheading of the tourist was carried out by an offshoot of the terror group Islamic State in retaliation for France joining in US attacks on their bases […]