Morocco’s inability to face reality is its biggest obstacle to joining the African Union

Morocco is steaming ahead with its plan to join the African Union. King Mohammed VI is bent on achieving this at the AU summit next month. He’s not a man accustomed to being told: no. His officials have told him that joining requires a majority of AU members, and they are confident of attracting […]
Effective anti Ebola vaccine developed

It’s scientific triumph that will change the way the world fights a terrifying killer, An experimental Ebola vaccine tested on humans in Guinea in the waning days of the West African epidemic has been shown to provide 100 percent protection against the lethal disease. The vaccine has not yet been approved by any regulatory authority. […]
European court ruling a blow for Morocco occupation of Western Sahara

The European Court of Justice has ruled that EU agreements and treaties with Morocco cannot apply to Western Sahara. This is a major blow to Rabat’s claims to legal rights over the territory. Western Sahara has been occupied by Morocco since its 1975 invasion of the territory after Spanish colonial control ended. It is the […]