Egyptian police kill 19 terrorists who attacked Coptic Christians

Egyptian police have killed 19 Islamists who attacked buses carrying Coptic Christians  south of Cairo. The terrorists died in a firefight in the desert around Minya. The Islamists attack the buses and robbed the passengers before killing seven of them.  A further 18 were wounded. It took place on the road to the monastery of […]

Cameroon separatists kidnap pupils and headmaster

English-speaking separatists have kidnapped 80 people from a school in restive northwest Cameroon. The abduction comes on the eve of President Paul Biya being sworn into office for a seven term. The kidnappers says they’ll hold their hostages until the Anglophone areas of Cameroon are allowed to split and form an independent  state  called Ambazonia. […]

Washington nearly doubles aid to G5 anti-terror force in Sahel

Washington’s almost doubled its military aid to African countries fighting terrorists on the southern edge of the Sahara desert. The so called G5 have a three-fold increase in attacks from Al Qaeda and Islamic state this past year, resulting in 895 deaths. ends intro The Stuttgart-based US Africa Command promised $60-million dollars to the West […]