Jean-Jacques Cornish


"The low down on African affairs"

No too late to seek peace in Tigray

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Abiy Ahmed doesn’t like being called a warmonger.  The Ethiopian premier has his Attorney General Gedion Timotios out there telling the international media that his hand has been forced. “Winning the Nobel Peace Prize doesn’t take away his responsibility as the Commander in Chief,” Timotios tells

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Africa will have to wait until later next year for a COVID vaccine

China’s new ambassador to South Africa Chen Xiaodong says his host country and continent will benefit from the Chinese COVID vaccine when it is distributed. Like the rest of the world caught up in the pandemic, Africa waits impatiently for a vaccine. Baffling the experts, Africa has had comparatively low

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Truck attacks: criminals or xenophobes?

Police are deploying additional personnel along the arterial motorway between the commercial capital Johannesburg and the port city of Durban following a string of attacks on heavy trucks spurred by local drivers opposed to foreigners being used to haul freight. A 55-year-old driver died from injuries sustained when his truck

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Not the behavior of a Nobel Peace Prize laureate

Is Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed heading towards becoming the least deserving Nobel Peace Prize laureate since Aung San Suu Kyi? Ahmed won the coveted prize last year largely for forging a complex and difficult peace with neighboring Eritrea. In doing so he greatly assisted stability in the Horn of

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Bushiri imbroglio has become a hydra-headed diplomatic monster for South Africa and Malawi

The escape from South Africa of self-styled Malawian prophet and preacher Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary has left President Cyril Ramaphosa “embarrassed and concerned” and has dented diplomatic relations between these Southern African Development Community Partners. The matter  became a hydra-headed monster Friday with Lilongwe magistrate Viva Nyimba setting

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